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2023 Soil & Mulch Producers Buyers' Guide
Rotary Cleaning Brushes

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Power Brushes Inc
Image Name
756 South Byrne Rd
Toledo, OH 43609

Phone: (906) 290-4121
Contact: Kim Duffrin
Email: kmd@powerbrushes.com
Website: www.powerbrushes.com
We manufacture trommel brushes for: McCloskey, Powerscreen, Wildcat / Vermeer, ReTech, Rotoscreen and more as well as custom trommel brushes. Our customers can expect quality products, excellent service and competitive pricing every time they place an order with Power Brushes Inc. We also have replacement brush wafers for Doppstadt Trommel Screens.
United Rotary Brush Corp
15607 W. 100th Terrace
Lenexa, KS 66219
Phone: 913-888-8450