Organic Mechanics Touts Biochar for Soil, Compost Manufacturers

By P.J. Heller When Mark Highland launched Organic Mechanics Soil Company in 2006, his focus was on offering “earth friendly” soil products.  “There were no compost-based, peat-free potting soils on the market in 2006,” he recalls. “I saw that niche and went for it. Environmental sustainability is a core value at Organic Mechanics.” Since the launch of that first product …

Holy Peat!  Canada Leads The Way

By P.J. Heller For peat’s sake, look to Canada. That’s the message from the Canadian Sphagnum Peat Moss Association (CSPMA), especially when it comes to peatland science and restoration.  “We’ve been recognized for our leadership, our environmental stewardship across the world,” says Asha Hingorani, president of the CSPMA, which represents more than a dozen horticultural peat moss producers in Canada …

Consumer Soil Product Sales More Than Previously Estimated

By P.J. Heller Sales of consumer soil products are much more robust than previously believed, according to a recent survey commissioned by the Mulch & Soil Council. And projections from another survey paint a bright picture for 2024, especially with Gen Y (27-41) respondents saying they expected to spend more money and time on gardening than the previous year.  The …

Morgan Composting Finds It Can-Do With Dairy Doo

By P.J. Heller Brad Morgan followed the proverbial phrase, “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade,” to create a successful business. In his case, though, the correct phrase would be, “When life gives you manure, make compost.” And that’s exactly what Morgan has been doing since 1996, when he and his father, Dale Morgan, launched Morgan Composting and its Dairy …

Chef of Compost Industry Serves Up Custom Blends

By P.J. Heller If someone was to co-opt the Burger King slogan of “Have It Your Way,” it would likely be the crew at Full Circle Soils & Compost.  Not content to produce just a standard compost that can be marketed to customers, Full Circle offers a complete menu of items that can be added to compost to create a …

PVP Industries Rocks It With Perlite, Vermiculite

By P.J. Heller Toothpaste. Kitty litter. Outdoor pizza ovens. Ceiling tiles. Garden and landscape growing material. Pipe insulation. Soaps. Environmental spill cleanup kits.  Those items and more have one ingredient in common that many people may not be aware of: perlite. “Perlite is all around us,” notes Michael Dunlavey in discussing a mineral found throughout the horticultural, construction and industrial …

WOTUS Rules Wind Through the Courts

By Ken McEntee Almost three months after the Biden administration announced its final rule defining “Waters of the United States (WOTUS)” and how and which waters will be regulated by the federal government, a federal court in March blocked implementation of the rule in Texas and Idaho. However, Judge Jeffrey Brown, U.S. District Court, Southern Texas District, denied a nationwide …

Soybean Solution Solves Sticky Situation

By P.J. Heller It wasn’t that long ago when Jim Weber looked out at a section of his Ohio Mulch property and watched as trucks would get stuck in thick mud.  Weber wanted to use part of a 10-acre plot for truck and equipment storage and to construct a warehouse building. The problem was the ground was too damp, soft …

Processed Pine Substrates in Nursery Production: Updates and Potentials

By Dr. Brian E. Jackson As all aspects of horticultural crop production continue to improve and evolve, research and development of soilless substrates is also keeping pace with our ever changing and demanding production practices. Processed pine and fir bark has been the primary substrate component for nursery growers across the country for several decades, a trend that holds true …

Growers Facing Supply & Demand Challenges for Growing Media

By Dr. Brian E. Jackson Once upon a time growers could call their growing media supplier(s) and have product ordered, shipped, and delivered within days. It is no mystery to anyone today that “those days” are gone, at least for the foreseeable future. The global growing media industry, like so many others in horticulture, has experienced unprecedented product demand which …